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Students' Stories Published in "Ancient Adventures" Book
DE Students
Students at Dennis Elementary recently had their stories published in a book. Dennis Elementary Gifted Intervention Specialist Deb Covey encouraged her students to participate in the Young Writers Contest. The students are members of the “Pencil Peeps,” a 5th Grade Club for students who like to write. Deb Covey serves as the Coach for the Pencil Peeps. Each student was assigned a topic, then wrote and submitted their own story with the hope of being published into the final book.

Congratulations to the following six (6) Dennis Elementary students whose stories were selected to be published in the book, “Ancient Adventures – All in the Past:” Owen Brandon, Nora Dantzler, Paige Hirth, Emersyn Saylor, Emery Sweet, and Brody Vreeland.

The selected students received their very own printed copy of the book. "I am always excited to bring however many writing contests I can to the students, because they really thrive on that," said Deb Covey.

Young Writers was established in 1991, and seeks to encourage young writers to read, write and enjoy poetry, as well as creative writing. Deb Covey said, “Having work published boosts confidence, nurtures creative talent and highlights creativity.”