Why have I not seen this form before?
This is a NEW required form for the 2024/25 school year to help the food service department better track and accommodate students' food allergies, special diets, etc.
What if my child's food allergy does not need a substitution?
This form still needs to be filled out for required tracking purposes in the food service office BUT you are not required to have a licensed medical provider's signature. Please note, if your student requires emergency medication you do need to still fill out the Emergency Allergy Plan with your school nurse.
Is this information shared with my school nurse?
YES! This form will be shared with both your school nurse and the district’s food service manager.
My student has celiac disease and needs to have a gluten free diet. What should I do?
Please fill out this form, including the licensed medical provider filling out substitutions that need to be made (ie. gluten free) and signed by that licensed medical provider. Once the form is received by the food service manager, we will reach out to you to discuss a special gluten free menu for your student.
My student is lactose intolerant, can they get juice instead of milk?
These substitutions will need to be approved on a case by case basis, please fill out the form and get a licensed medical provider’s signature. Foods will only be substituted if consuming food substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include: impaired
immune, digestive, neurological, bowel functions, etc.
My student does NOT have a food allergy or disability that requires a special diet but I want to note on my student’s meal account that they cannot eat meat. Is this form required?
NO this form is not required for a note to be listed on an account that does not pertain to a food allergy or disability. You can just email
[email protected] with this information.
My student already gets a special diet or is provided a substitution, do I still need to fill this out?
YES. We need a form for any student with a food allergy that needs noted on their school lunch account OR requires a special diet, accommodation or substitution.