Getting Your Personally Owned Device Ready for School
- Bring your device to school daily. Charge your computer each night so your device is fully charged and ready for use.
- Personalize your device in school appropriate ways. Device customization (screensavers, backgrounds, skins, etc.) must not violate the district’s student code of conduct and/or Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
- Label your device with your first and last name. Attach something unique, like a luggage tag, to your device case to prevent another student from taking it by mistake.
- Bring your device to school in a case to protect the screen from damage.
- Install virus protection software that automatically downloads the latest anti-virus updates on your device if applicable.
- Keep your device secure at all times. The Springboro Community City School District is not liable for lost, stolen, or damaged technology.
Using Your Device (computer, tablet, Chromebook, other Internet accessible equipment) at School
- Keep your device with you or locked in your locker/designated area at ALL times.
- You are the only person permitted to use your device.
- Keep your passwords private.
- Take your device home every day.
- Always carry your device with the lid closed (if applicable)
- Audio/Video recording may only be permitted with permission of individual(s) being recorded.
- Back up important files (Flash drive, Cloud, My Documents, Google, etc.).
- Troubleshooting device issues is your responsibility and should not be done during instruction time.
- Mute your computer sound at all times. Students should provide their own earbuds or headphones for use at school.
- You must abide by the district’s Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Student-Use Contract
By using a personal or school provided device I will…
- Work on the task assigned by the teacher at all times. At school, a device will only be used for educational purposes.
- Access the Internet only through the district’s server, not utilizing my own 3G/4G, data plan, or router. I understand this server has filtering software that is designed to minimize my risk of exposure to inappropriate material.
- Always carry the device in a protective bag to ensure it will not be damaged.
- Use the device on a flat and/or secure surface.
- Take responsibility for trouble-shooting my own device issues.
- Mute the device sound at all times unless the teacher gives permission otherwise.
- Keep passwords private.
- Abide by the district’s Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
- Keep personal device with me or in my locker/designated area at all times.
- Be the only one to use my device at school, sporting events, or other school related activities.
- Personalize the device (screensavers, backgrounds, skins, etc.) in school appropriate ways.
- Label the device with first and last name.
- Install virus-protection software with updates on device.
- Be responsible for the device and the repairs necessary to keep it up-to-date and running. School personnel will not be involved in repairing student owned devices.