When you fill out a Free and Reduced Meal Application it is important you give the district permission to share your student's free/reduced status with certain programs if you wish to receive the benefit(s). You will not receive the benefits unless you agreed to share information and the parent/guardian signs off on this on the Free And Reduced Meals Application.
**IF you are directly certified through the state and do not have to fill out a free and reduced meal application you will need to fill out a Sharing of Information Form and return it to the schools office, email it to Kelsey Warren or mail it to 1685 S. Main, Street, Springboro, OH 45066 before your information will be shared with these programs and before your fees will be waived.
Our Current Programs That You Can Share Information -
Schools Fees - Any family that qualifies for FREE meals can get their required school fees waived. This does not apply to families that qualify for reduced meals.
Athletic Fees - Any family who qualifies for free or reduced meals can get a reduced rate for their play to pay fees. Contact the athletic office for more information - 937-748-4110.
Boro Backpack Program - Food will be sent home weekly with your child in their backpack for students receiving free/reduced lunch. Contact Wendy Grothjan 937-748-3950 ext 4405 for more information.
Junior High 8th Grade Washington DC Trip Assistance - This is for 7th graders that want assistance to attend the Washington DC Trip during their 8th grade year. Contact [email protected] for more information.