We are pleased to be able to offer our students, staff and guests access to computer technology, including access to the Internet, certain online services, and the Springboro network. We are dedicated to technology which unlocks our potential and connects us locally and globally. We envision a learning environment where technology is a part of us, not apart from us.
We believe that technology and accessibility to the information network, as an educational resource, far outweighs the potential risks. We will leverage existing and emerging technology as a means to learn and thrive in the 21st Century and prepare our students for success. We feel that access to the tools and resources of a worldwide network are appropriate and imperative in each student’s education.
The school’s information technology resources are provided for educational purposes.
The following acceptable use policy applies to any and all district owned device and/or student device when accessing electronic resources including, but not limited to, Google Apps for Education, district website, Edmodo, Pearson Products, and related applications.
Users must respect and protect the privacy of others by:
- Using only assigned accounts.
- Only accessing resources or networks to which they are authorized.
- Refraining from distributing private information about others or themselves.
Users must respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources by:
- Observing all district Internet filters.
- Reporting security risks or violations to a teacher or network administrator.
- Not destroying or damaging data, networks, or other resources that do not belong to them.
- Notifying a staff member or administrator of computer or network malfunction.
Users must respect and protect the intellectual property of others by:
- Following copyright laws (for example: making illegal copies of music, games, or movies).
- Citing sources when using others’ work (not plagiarizing).
Users must respect one another by:
- Communicating in ways that are kind and respectful.
- Reporting threatening or inappropriate materials to a teacher or administrator.
- Not accessing, transmitting, copying, or creating material that violates the school’s code of conduct (such as messages/content that are pornographic, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass).
- Not accessing, transmitting, copying, or creating material that is illegal (such as pornography, stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works).
- Not using the resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the school’s code of conduct.
Users may:
- Use the resources for any approved educational purpose.
Consequences for Violation.
Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including the loss of a user’s privileges to use the school’s information technology resources. Further discipline may be imposed in accordance with the Board’s Code of Conduct up to and including suspension, expulsion, or legal action depending on the degree and severity of the violation.
Supervision and Monitoring.
The use of District owned information technology resources is not private. School and network administrators and their authorized employees monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that uses are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school’s information networks in order to protect the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property.
Disclaimer of Liability
The district shall not be responsible for any material encountered on a computer network, including the Internet, which may be deemed objectionable to a user (or his/her parents, if a minor); for any inaccurate information disseminated over the network; for any hostile or injurious actions of third parties encountered through a computer network; for any charges incurred by the user of a computer or computer network without prior permission; or for any damage or loss incurred by a user or any subsequent party by the use of files or software obtained over a computer network. Due to the nature of electronic communications and Ohio public records law, it is also impossible for the district to guarantee confidentiality of email sent and received over any computer network.
The district shall not alter the functions of the network to meet any specific user requirements, or that it would be errorfree or uninterrupted; nor shall the district be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including damage to personal devices, lost data, or inability to use the network.