Preschool Applications Accepted
Online applications for the 2025-2026 school year will become available March 10, 2025. The application link will remain open the entire school year, however, those online applications submitted on or before March 21, 2025 will be considered for the lottery (no paper copies are available). Applications received after March 21, 2025 will be placed on the waiting list.
Families will be notified by email of acceptance (and directions for the next steps for registration) or of being on the waiting list the week of April 21, 2025.
Preschool Program Information
• Morning or afternoon session, Monday through Thursday
• Class times: 9:20 a.m.-12:05 p.m. and 1:20-4:05 p.m.
• Transportation is provided to each student enrolled in the program
• Assignment of AM or PM sessions is dependent upon transportation routes
• Anticipated configuration: Four classrooms with 16 children per classroom, ages 3-5, eight children with identified special needs and eight typically developing children, one classroom for children with identified special needs with 8 children in each session
• One teacher and one assistant in each classroom
• Five morning classes and five afternoon classes
• Children must turn 3 on or before August 1
• Children must be toilet trained. Children who get randomly selected through the lottery and are not potty trained will be withdrawn
Tuition and Fees
Tuition will be $250 a month. August’s tuition of $125 will be due by the first day of school and the first day of the month thereafter through May 2025. Please note that failure to remain current with monthly preschool payments throughout the year will revoke your child’s eligibility for the program. Once accepted into the program, a non-refundable enrollment fee of $70.00 and supply fee of $50.00 are due at registration. Fees can be paid by either exact cash or check. Registration will not be accepted without all of the required documents, including fees.