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Springboro Schools
People First / Always Growing / Better Together

2024-2025 Information

Second Semester Information: Third Quarter

Calendar & Event Information   

  • February 3- 8th Grade (upcoming 9th grade) Parent Scheduling Meeting 6:00pm (more info below) (Auditorium)
  • February 3- 9th-11th Grade Parent Scheduling Meeting 7:00pm (more info below) (Auditorium)
  • February 5- Advisory Day (Advisory Schedule)
  • February 5- Senior Class Meeting (During Advisory)
  • February 14- Teacher In-service (No School)
  • February 17- President's Day (No School)
  • February 19- SHS Strings Concert 7:00pm (Auditorium)
  • March 11- Junior ACT Day (more info to come)

Announcements for Students

Counseling Office:

CCP Informational Presentation:

College Credit Plus information for the 2025-2026 school year is now available on the Springboro High School Counselor page, on the district website.  See link below:

ALL students wishing to participate in CCP for the 2025-2026 school year MUST complete the mandatory College Credit Plus Intent to Participate form before the April 1st deadline.  

The 2025-2026 CCP Intent to Participate form can be found on the SHS guidance page and at the following link:

Students must be logged into their Springboro High School student email account in order to access and complete the Google Form.  

Questions should be directed to Mr. Wilhite in the guidance office at [email protected]

Class Scheduling 2025-2026 School Year:

Scheduling for the 2025-2026 school year will begin the week of February 3! The high school counselors will be visiting the current 8th grades students during the school day on Monday, February 3, with important information regarding scheduling their high school classes. The high school counselors will present this information to current high school students in grades 9, 10, and 11, during the monthly advisory on February 5. Students will have access to scheduling materials beginning February 3, and will be given a deadline to submit their scheduling requests for next school year. 

Presentations for parents regarding the scheduling process will be the evening of February 3, 2025 in the high school auditorium. Important information for parents of current 8th graders (upcoming 9th graders) will be presented beginning at 6:00 pm. Information for parents of current high school students in grades 9, 10, and 11, will be presented beginning at 7:00 pm. Attendance is highly encouraged.  

Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Fees:

Payment for AP Exams is now being accepted through PaySchools. 

The deadline to pay for AP Exams is Friday, February 28, 2025.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams will be held at SHS May 5-May 16. Registration for these exams was held in October. Please log into your PaySchools account and pay the required AP Exam exam fees.

Yearbook Information:

Attention students and parents: The link to order the 2024-2025 yearbook is below. The deadline to order is May 30th. Extras are NOT ordered. 

?Yearbook Order Form

Announcements for Parents

Families of SHS:

Breakfast for SHS Teachers:

Friday, February 14 is a professional development day and Families of SHS have been asked us to provide breakfast for the SHS teachers and staff!

Please review the Sign Up Genius to see how you can help!

These items will need to be dropped off to:

35 Terradyne Trace

Wednesday February 12th or Thursday February 13th (before 9pm).

You can also donate monetarily at:

(Please note we cannot guarantee the funds donated will go directly to this event. It will depend on needs left for this event after the Sign Up Genius is closed. However, the funds are ALWAYS used to support events/items at SHS).

Families of SHS is a Board Approved 501c3 Support Organization for Springboro High School. As a support organization for SHS, we rely on volunteers to support and grow our reach, so we need you!

One thing Families of SHS does to show the teachers and staff our appreciation is providing snacks in the teacher/staff lounge monthly, and coffee, tea and creamers.

Please consider helping us:

Option 1: visit our Amazon Wish List at:

Option 2: Sponsoring a Monthly Snack:

Option 3: Donate Money to help us provide the snacks:

As a support organization that means we need you! We can always use your help - you can find ways to get involved by volunteering with us. 

Check out these opportunities to get involved:

Reporting Student Progress - Report Card Update:

This notice is to inform Springboro families of a change to how we will be reporting future student progress. Starting quarter two, families will be able to access report card information through their ProgressBook Parent Access account. With this in mind, families will need to set up a ProgressBook Parent Access account using a registration key to view future quarterly report cards. If you do not have access to a registration key, please contact your school office (elementary) or guidance office (secondary) for a new key. Families who still need to create a ProgressBook Parent account should have received an email on Thursday, January 9 with a registration key including steps for completing this process.

Back-to-School Registration Gateway:

The Back-to-School Registration Gateway has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year annual forms collection, and is now open to the public. This offers parents the opportunity each year to review the information that the school has on file for your student(s), and to electronically sign all the required annual forms. If you are already registered, you do not need to re-register. This is simply to review the information we currently have on file and then sign this school year’s annual forms.

Please make note of the following when logging into Registration Gateway -

1. The Family Review functionality has been activated. Parents/Guardians will login by youngest child to update ALL students in the family. 

Parents will login to Registration Gateway with their youngest child's information: 


Username - Youngest Student ID 

Password - Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)*

*8-Digit Birthdate, No Dashes/Slashes/Spaces, Only Numbers


Current Student Registration:

NOTE - Not Completing This Online Verification Will Keep Your Student From Attending Any Field Trips During the School Year

The District required this information to be completed by September 30, 2024. Address changes cannot be updated in the Current Student Registration Gateway. If you have an address change, please contact your student’s building secretary.


We want to provide ample time to everyone to complete the necessary student registration information. If you have any questions regarding this online process, please contact the Registration Office at 937-748-6003.


Additional information about Registration and how to get started can be found on our website -

Special Diet and Food Allergy Accommodation Form:

Does your student have a Food Allergy/Intolerance or Special Dietary needs?

NEW for the 2024/25 school year, we need you to fill out a Special Diet and Food Allergy Accommodation Form for any student that has a food allergy, special diet or needs a food substitution or accommodation within their school meal(s). This does not need to be filled out annually, only when/if information changes. This is different from the Allergy Emergency Action Plan.

We do need this filled out EVEN if you have provided this information previously to your school nurse in another way, such as through registration gateway.

Please submit this form to either [email protected] (at Central Office - 1685 S Main Street, Springboro, OH 45066) or your building clinic nurse. 

Check out everything you need to know about this form and some FAQs HERE.

Reporting Student Results for Ohio’s State Tests to Families:

Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code 3313.6029) requires districts, community schools, STEM schools and chartered nonpublic schools to report the results of Ohio’s State Tests to students’ parents or guardians no later than June 30 of each year. Results may either be sent via mail, electronic mail or by posting the scores to a secure portal on the district or school’s website that families can access. Springboro Schools will be posting scores to a secure parent portal.

Click Here to Learn More & View Your Assessment Scores

The required test reporting date of June 30 each year applies to Ohio’s State Tests in grades 3 through 8 and high school end-of-course tests. The June 30 reporting date does not include the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessments (OELPS, OELPA and Alt-OELPA), the Alternate Assessment for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD), ACT or SAT.