Interested in CCP Next School Year?
Scheduling Information 2025-2026
Information and instructions for high school scheduling for next school year will be available beginning the week of February 3, 2025. The high school counselors will be presenting scheduling information according to the following schedule:
Monday, February 3
HS Counselors visit JH during the school to present to current 8th graders (incoming freshmen)
Evening Parent Meetings (High School Auditorium)
Parents of current 8th graders: 6:00 PM
Parents of students currently in grades 9 - 11: 7:00 PM
Wednesday, February 5
HS Counselors will present scheduling information and instructions to current students in grades 9-11 during the high school's monthly advisory period (9:09 - 9:55 AM)
Still have questions? Please contact your school counselor for the 2025-2026 school year after reviewing the above information.
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Registration
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Registration will be held October 3 - October 20, 2023. Students who wish to take an AP exam in May of 2024 must register during this window. No late registrations will be accepted.
There are two (2) steps in the registration process. BOTH steps must be completed by the student to be registered to take the AP exam(s):
1. Student must complete the Google Response Form for AP Exams (when signed into Springboro student Google account). Please note: the STUDENT must register, as the form is limited to Springboro student email addresses.
2. Student must register for the exam at using class "join code" provided by teacher. Student must click "Register for Exam" for each class enrolled.
The cost is $98 per exam. Payment for AP Exams will be collected via Payschools in January. No payment is being collected at this time. Additional information regarding payment for AP exams will be communicated to students via email and the high school newsletter. No refunds will be issued. Please think carefully before registering. Please see Mr. Wilhite in the counseling office for additional information.
Please note, Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Registration is optional and applies to students who are currently enrolled in an Advanced Placement (AP) class for the 2023-2024 school year.