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Springboro Schools
People First / Always Growing / Better Together

Scheduling for 6th Grade 2024-25

Scheduling for Your Child's 6th Grade Year

Recently, Mrs. Fox, Mr. Aker and the music teachers visited Dennis and Five Points to introduce them to the 6th grade along with explaining the music selection students can make.  The presentation that Mrs. Fox and Mr. Aker reviewed with the students is linked below.  
An informational parent meeting will be held on Thursday April 25 at 6:30pm at the high school auditorium.

Course Overview
Students at Springboro Intermediate will have 6 classes a day; 4 core academic courses (Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) and 2 specials courses.  Students core academic classes will automatically be assigned to them based on previous class placements and/or new testing results.  

The specials courses that we offer at Springboro intermediate are the following:

Quarterly Rotating Specials:  DARE/Study hall, Art, PE/Health, and Google.
These classes are a quarter long course; students will change class each quarter to allow them to take all four classes within the year.

Music Offerings:  Band, Orchestra, Choir, Music Appreciation
Music courses are year long classes.  Band, Orchestra and Choir will have at least two evening performances.   
Choosing Your Music
5th grade students were recently introduced to the music selections they get to choose from as they plan for their 6th grade year.  
Below is an informational document along with videos that explain the different music courses available at Springboro Intermediate.  Please look over this information, discuss your child's interest, and if they are interested in playing an instrument, attend our try it night on Monday, March 4 at Springboro Intermediate from 5:30-7pm.  Once you and your child have determined what music class they want to take for 6th grade, complete the Music Selection Form by March 15.  

**As you are completing the music selection form, please make sure your provide first, second and third choices.  We cannot guarantee placement in your first choice, therefore providing the other choices is important.  If a class request exceeds the class size limit, we will determine student placement based on the timestamp on the Google Form.

If you have any questions regarding your student's 6th grade scheduling, please contact Mrs. Fox, school counselor, at Sara Fox ([email protected]).