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Springboro Schools
People First / Always Growing / Better Together

3/4/24 Meeting

Present at Meeting: 

Katie Phillips P  Brittany Barber 


Jayme Keyes P  Jen Welter 


Kayla Whitehead (Call in) Carrie Corder 


Kristen Tyler P

Amy Eckley P

Ginette Collins P


Welcome Liz Gruber, Director of Elementary Instruction -Rescheduled for the April meeting 

Treasurer’s Report - Kristen Tyler Current amount in checking- $37,893.43 

Vice President Report- Birthday Board, Night Owls gift cards, character traits board where are we storing the decor that can be reused? Jayme confirmed the Birthday Board will be completed. Jayme confirmed the Night Owl Starbucks gift cards have been raffled off during each of the Night Owl events. Reused bulletin board decor discussion resulted in a decision on where/how items will be stored for future use. 


* Total Cost for shirts $4,827.55 

* We need volunteers to label and sort shirts 3/18 9:30a & 1:15p 

* Packets went home 3/1- Packets include a letter, pledge form and a sheet with step by step instructions for online pledges 

* Volunteers for Cheering (2 shifts) 

* Order Chalk and Pom Poms for cheering- Classes will plan ahead of the event 

* Chalk the parking lot 3/20 after school- Chalk path will be drawn around 5:30p 

* Schedule for walking 1st Shift 9:30, 2nd shift 1:30

Food for Preschool Prom 

Classroom food trays/ popcorn have been ordered for the event 

Conference Meal 

Jen will order Olive Garden 

Book Fair 

Jen Schlise will send out 

Spring Pictures March 11th 4 volunteers in am and pm- Amy and Kayla (full day) to volunteer 1st Shift 9:30- 12:00 

2nd Shift 1:45-2:30 

Military Breakfast 

* Friday April 12th -Set up after school on April 11th at 3:30p and April 12th at 7am 

* We provide food and decor 

* 59 possible kids if they all come- active duty and reserves only for this breakfast- This event is not for veterans there is a serperate event 

* 937 Ink will be making shirts for Purple Up for students to purchase but PTO will provide for our military children 

* Shirts will be on sale 

* One student in each grade with have a dandelion on the sleeve of their shirt - all winning t shirts their class will get a popsicle party 

* Amount budgeted $300 for donuts holes, muffins and fruit and juice and milk and some decor 

* Wright State Trumpets will come play music for the event 

* Total cost of Military shirts - $486.58 

Homeless Shelter Drive 

* We collected well over 700 items 

* Delivery was last week 

* Thank you to all who came to help box them up 

1st grade Splash Night 

* Slides are rented we will need a splitter and have to make sure we have two hoses 

* Kona Ice provided paid by parents and will have parents bring their own lawn chairs 

* Still working on Photo Booth 

* Fire Department to be contacted to attend the event

Upcoming end of year events: 

* Splash Night 

* Staff Appreciation Week- Begins May 6th 

* Zoo Trip- PTO pays for this- Teachers to have students wear walk 

* First Grade Concert at Five Points- May 15th/May 16th ? Field Day May 20th /May 21st 

* K and W Trip 

* April meeting will be 4/2 Tuesday Meeting 

Additional Notes: 

* Teacher Memorial to be planned at a later date